| An After-Dinner Allegory for Adults |   |
Shell Game
...A vaguely familiar fable retold |
EXCERPT: At Old McDonald's Pond on a deceptively clear sunny day with not a cloud in the sky, all the free-born animals were listening as Grizzly and Fox continued their bantering. You're not allowed to come up with hare-brained schemes, Fox ‹ this is just a race, pure and simple! You're calling me a cheater! I'm not a cheater, responded Fox. I'm just saying the contest should test our wits too ‹ you gotta be clever and faster, like me... We'll see who's cleverer and fasterer... um... faster, said Grizzly. OK, if you win fair square, Fox, I won't eat you! You don't scare me, Honey-lips. Your fat bear ass couldn't catch a gummi-worm! When I win I get the farmer's chickens and you leave the county! But... OK, Gummi-bear, I agree to your terms.
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